Model IT
Welcome to New Zealand's leading practitioners of model driven design, development and specification techniques. Method Maker specialise in applying modelling disciplines to improve an organisations productivity - that is to increase the short and long term return an organisation derives from its software delivery efforts.
Productivity gains associated with modelling are unlocked in two basic ways - Providing immediate advantages by increasing the number and variety of derived software artefacts originating from a systems core model; And embedding long term gains by reducing the rate at which a systems intellectual property and design intent become obscured or made obsolete.
Used correctly modelling accelerates the delivery process by dramatically improving the accuracy and efficacy of communication; the management of a systems key architectural artefacts; and the way in which critical pieces of system knowledge and intellectual property are stored, shared, re-used and maintained.
In particular the adoption and use of conceptual modelling practices helps to establish a clear unambiguous specification around a systems most significant architectural characteristics. It is a systems core conceptual data structures and behavioural mechanisms that have the largest impact on a solutions inherent complexity, resource levels, time-lines and budgets.
Method Maker applies practical techniques to leverage the real power of Unified Modelling Language [UML] to facilitate the production and consumption of IT related content across a wide variety of technical and non-technical audiences. In doing so it establishes the right atmospheric conditions in which successful solutions and systems take shape.
Deliver IT
Method Maker is a IT development organisation focused on understanding, applying and extending information technology. Ultimately our mission is about leveraging technology to enhance the levels of automation, knowledge and influence our customers' exhibit on a daily basis.
Our ability to deliver finished working solutions is enabled by a key set of project disciplines common to all Method Maker team members including staff and contractors. These disciplines are designed to improve communication and enforce objective measures of progress on all project stakeholders.
Increasingly IT services are becoming a commodity and our range of offerings are designed to make choosing them easier for our customers, while enabling Method Maker to provide a variety of different rates and deliverables based on the type of skills and technologies used on the assignment.
Our approach is to blend and extend project teams with the knowledge and capabilities of our customers in order to comply with organisational and financial objectives. This allows for the sharing of roles and activities between stake holders in optimal ways.